Now in his third year as President of Uckfield and District Lions, John Carvey was finally able to host a Lions Charter (normally an annual event due to Covid it has been cancelled for the last two years). Charter is a celebration of remembering when Uckfield Lions was first formed and an opportunity to celebrate the hard work members have put in during that year. It brings together Lions Presidents from clubs around the region, along with their wives, husbands and other club members.
Lion President John read out a letter from 105SE District Governor Ian Forbes who was unable to attend, praising Uckfield lions for their fund raising activities throughout the year. He especially high-lighted the recent organising of the Bluebell walk at Arlington, where Uckfield Lions David and Graham assist by their wives and other Lions throughout the region ran the Bluebell walk over the Easter period raising £5400, which was donated to the Kent Surrey and Sussex air ambulance.
Seven Long service awards where handed out to Uckfield lions by 2nd Vice Governor Paul Dedman who commented that these awards contributed to over 200 years of service. In response to all the speeches Father John, Rector of Holy Cross Church, related back six years when he first came to Uckfield and found that Lions were all working tirelessly for the local community. He also commented that during the Covid period Lions continued to support and help the most vulnerable in the community in the true spirt of the Lions motto “Where there is a need there is a Lion”, and continuing to support the community now.