Car Run 2022
September 25 th, the last Sunday of the month as usual, saw the gathering of a PRIDE of
UCKFIELD LIONS at The Halfway House Pub in Isfield for our Annual Classic Car Run.
This year, the clubs 19th annual fund raising event, saw a bright and sunny cloudless sky
beckoning a varied host of beautiful vehicles.
The morning commenced with Lions members wives offering a welcome cup of tea or coffee and
biscuits to the assembling group. The growing number of cars and vehicles soon outgrew the car
park and were spilling out into the adjoining field. There were lots of greetings and catch ups from
all the owners and passengers.
The cars left the pub and followed a pre-set route though the beautiful sunlit autumn Sussex and
Surrey countryside to a comfort/coffee stop at The Pilots Hub Café situated in Redhill Aerodrome.
Coincidentally this is the home of the Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance which has been
extensively supported by the South East Lions Clubs for the past 10 years. During this time, we
have donated funds to the tune of some £400,000. Staff and volunteers of the service mingled
with the car owners to explain a bit about their charity.
Once suitably refreshed the cars then recommenced their journey to return to The Halfway House
Pub where the Lions, wives and helpers provided a delicious BBQ and a dessert of crumble and
custard. The cars were displayed in all their glory, in the field.
The monies raised this year, of just over £2800, will be split between Motor Neurone Research, in
recognition of the support we have received over many years from one of our regular participants
who has now been diagnosed with this condition and Linden Cottage, a local residential home for
severely physically and mentally disabled people.
This year we had 128 car entries for the event and we fed over 200 guests – a fantastically
successful day.
A huge thank you goes to Mel and Rowan at the pub for allowing us to use their facilities, Caterhire
of Blackboys, Grant Contractors of Uckfield and the local Macmillan Support Group for providing us
with equipment. Without their help the event could not take place. A special thanks to all of the
participants for their continued support.
In the 19 years we have been holding this event we have raised well in excess of £35,000. All of
these monies have helped and supported a large variety of deserving charities and good causes.