Uckfield Lions help raise money for K.S.S Air Ambulance
On 25th July the Lions District Air Ambulance Team attended air ambulance at the Kent Surrey and Sussex Centre at Redhill Aerodrome to make a presentation of 7V-Scan Ultrasound units.
At a cost of £25,000 they are hand help units which allow the paramedics in ambulance crew to take a non-invasive look inside a patient’s body. The ultrasound units are invaluable in identifying damage to heart and lungs and detecting internal bleeding and will considerably assist the paramedics aiding injured people. The money was raised by several Lions Clubs in the Southeast, including, Uckfield and District, the money we raised managing the Bluebell Walk in Arlington in May and brings the total contributions raised by Lions in the Southeast for the Air Ambulance in the last 10 years to over £400,000.
The Air Ambulance have already attended over 1800 incidents in 2023 and potentially saved over 1000 lives. Lions are now raising funds for replacement kit bags for all the teams. Everyone is invited contribute to the Air Ambulance on our Lions Giving website www.lionsgiving.co.uk
Uckfield Lions will continue to raise funds for K S S air ambulance, as any profit from the Lions Classic car run on 24th September at the Halfway House Isfield will go to Air Ambulance ,see www.uckfield-lions.org.uk ,or call in bookshop in Olives yard for entry form .