Defibrillators or AED’s are devices that apply an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. If the heart rhythm stops due to cardiac arrest, also known as sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), a defibrillator may help it start beating again.
The major factor limiting the number of people who survive SCA is the ability to provide defibrillation within a critical time. Conditions for defibrillation are optimal for only a very few minutes after the onset of VF, although this period can be extended if a bystander provides effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), particularly chest compressions. Nevertheless, the victim’s chance of survival falls by around 7 – 10% with every minute that defibrillation is delayed. Only rarely are the emergency medical services able to attend and provide defibrillation early enough, and the best way of ensuring prompt defibrillation is for someone nearby to use an AED to deliver the shock that can often save a life.
Uckfield Lions have been involved in suppling and supporting defibrillators in the Uckfield area for the past 10 years. It is important that people are aware of where their nearest AED is situated. The units can be found in the following places:
Uckfield Library (24/7) Highlands Pub (24/7)
West Park Pavilion (24/7) Maresfield Rec (24/7)
Victoria Rec Pavilion (24/7) Maresfield Bowls/Tennis/Gym (24/7)
Tesco Manor Park (24/7) Maresfield Village Hall (24/7)
Ridgewood Village Hall (24/7) Buxted Sports Pavilion (when open)
Harlands Primary School (24/7) Belmont Centre (when open)
Uckfield Railway Station (24/7) Uckfield Rugby Club (when open)
Civic Centre (when open)